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5 Gallon Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal

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Product Description

5 Gallon Pharmaceutical Disposal Mail-Back Kit

This five gallon pharmaceutical waste disposal kit allows you to collect and ship pharmaceuticals for disposal OR return controlled substances for credit in one container. Put all of your drugs for disposal (including partially used items) plus expired medications or prescriptions with damaged packages.

Controlled substances with a completed DEA-222 form may also be put into the medication disposal kit to return and receive credit.

We don't require a monthly contract. A single kit can be used up to twelve months depending on your volume.

How to Dispose of Medication

Simply order the box place it in your secure area, fill with your pharmaceuticals and ship it UPS. Shipping is PRE-PAID, so there's no additional fee. We'll take care of the rest!


This unit holds up to 20 pounds of pharmaceuticals for return shipping and disposal.


Great for Pharmacies, Dental Offices, Clinics, Veterinarians, etc.

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